Hamilton was named after Alexander Hamilton, the founding father whose story has entertained audiences all over the country in the popular Broadway Show that bears his name. Forbes magazine once named Hamilton as one of America’s friendliest towns. As home to Colgate University, Hamilton offers residents myriad opportunities to see world-renowned speakers, attend college musicals, athletic events and more. Other cultural opportunities can be found at Arts on the Palace, a community arts organization that offers theatrical, musical, dance and other events to the public.
Whether you’re looking to experience the young, cool vibe of a college town, or just want a great evening out, Hamilton is a wonderful, friendly small town to live in or to visit.
Hamilton is also the home of our local Hamilton E and V Energy office. Our team is happy to provide you with everything from home heating and cooking fuels to on and off-road motor fuels and small propane tank refills. Call us today!